Happy Valentines Day!, I made a snake clone in C.
This is a quick interlude from the regular GameDev in C posts. I was making very little progress on the doodle jump style game on which the series is based. So I thought I would take a quick break and code up a snake clone.
I chose snake as I have written this type of game previously in JS and Python. So I didn't really
have to figure much out. Just get down to writing some C. I haev included the full source code in
this article. One nice feature that I added was smooth transitions between cells. I did this by
growing and shortening the head and tail respectively, based on an animation timer. This makes for
a nice animation and makes it look like the snake is moving smoothly, rather than jumping a cell at
a time. The implementation can be seen in the SnakeDrawHead
and SnakeDrawTail
methods. Apart from
this it's a regular old snake clone.
I really enjoyed coding this, it's the first time I have felt productive in C. I am starting to grasp arrays and pointers. I may even be beginning to think in a C manner. I kept everything in one file for convenience. This helped me think more about what the code did, and less about where the code lived.
Anyway, take a look at the source code below. I'll get back to the main "SlimeJump" game in the next post.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
float percentOf(float percent, float number)
return (percent / number) * 100.0f;
float asPercentOf(float number, float percent)
return (percent / 100.0f) * number;
int randomInt(int min, int max)
return (rand() % max) + min;
enum Direction {
struct Snake {
int x;
int y;
float speed;
float moveTimer;
enum Direction direction;
enum Direction nextDirection;
struct Snake SnakeCreate(int x, int y)
return (struct Snake) {
.x = x,
.y = y,
.speed = 0.2f,
.moveTimer = 0,
.direction = RIGHT,
.nextDirection = RIGHT,
void SnakeMoveInCurrentDirection(struct Snake *s)
case UP:
s->y -= 1;
case DOWN:
s->y += 1;
case LEFT:
s->x -= 1;
case RIGHT:
s->x += 1;
void SnakeScreenWrap(struct Snake *s, int colCount, int rowCount)
if(s->x < 0) {
s->x = colCount - 1;
s->direction = LEFT;
if(s->x > colCount - 1) {
s->x = 0;
s->direction = RIGHT;
if(s->y < 0) {
s->y = rowCount - 1;
s->direction = UP;
if(s->y > rowCount - 1) {
s->y = 0;
s->direction = DOWN;
void SnakeUpdate(struct Snake *s, float dt, struct Snake *target)
s->moveTimer += dt;
if(s->moveTimer >= s->speed) {
s->moveTimer -= s->speed;
if(target == NULL) {
if(s->direction != s->nextDirection)
s->direction = s->nextDirection;
} else {
s->x = target->x;
s->y = target->y;
s->direction = target->direction;
void SnakeSetDirection(struct Snake *s, int dirX, int dirY)
if(dirX && dirY) return;
if(!dirX && !dirY) return;
if(dirY && (s->direction == UP || s->direction == DOWN)) return;
if(dirX && (s->direction == LEFT || s->direction == RIGHT)) return;
if(dirX == -1) {
s->nextDirection = LEFT;
if(dirX == 1) {
s->nextDirection = RIGHT;
if(dirY == -1) {
s->nextDirection = UP;
if(dirY == 1) {
s->nextDirection = DOWN;
void SnakeDrawHead(struct Snake *s, int cellSize, Color color)
int w, h;
float growthPercent = percentOf(s->moveTimer, s->speed);
case UP:
h = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, (s->y * cellSize) + (cellSize - h), cellSize, h, color);
case DOWN:
h = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, s->y * cellSize, cellSize, h, color);
case RIGHT:
w = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, s->y * cellSize, w, cellSize, color);
case LEFT:
w = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle((s->x * cellSize) + (cellSize - w), s->y * cellSize, w, cellSize, color);
void SnakeDrawTail(struct Snake *s, int cellSize, Color color)
int w, h;
float growthPercent = percentOf(s->moveTimer, s->speed);
case UP:
h = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, s->y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize - h, color);
case DOWN:
h = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, s->y * cellSize + h, cellSize, cellSize - h, color);
case RIGHT:
w = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize + w, s->y * cellSize, cellSize - w, cellSize, color);
case LEFT:
w = floor(asPercentOf(cellSize, growthPercent));
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, s->y * cellSize, cellSize - w, cellSize, color);
void SnakeDraw(struct Snake *s, int cellSize, Color color)
DrawRectangle(s->x * cellSize, s->y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize, color);
struct Apple {
int x;
int y;
int active;
float lifeSpan;
float lifeTimer;
struct Apple AppleCreate()
return (struct Apple) {
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.active = 0,
.lifeSpan = 0.0f,
.lifeTimer = 0.0f,
void AppleUpdate(struct Apple *a, float dt)
if(!a->active) return;
a->lifeTimer += dt;
if(a->lifeTimer > a->lifeSpan)
a->lifeTimer -= a->lifeSpan;
a->active = 0;
void AppleActivateAt(struct Apple *a, int x, int y)
a->x = x;
a->y = y;
a->active = 1;
a->lifeTimer = 0;
a->lifeSpan = 5.0f;
void AppleDraw(struct Apple *a, int cellSize, Color color)
if(!a->active) return;
DrawRectangle(a->x * cellSize, a->y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize, color);
int collidesWithSnake(struct Snake s[], int snakeLength, int x, int y)
for(int i = 0; i < snakeLength; i++)
if(s[i].x == x && s[i].y == y) return 1;
return 0;
Vector2 getRandomCellCoords(int colCount, int rowCount)
int x = randomInt(0, colCount);
int y = randomInt(0, rowCount);
return (Vector2) { x, y };
int main(void)
const int screenSize = 600;
const int screenWidth = screenSize;
const int screenHeight = screenSize;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "snake");
const int gridSize = 20;
const int cellSize = floor(screenSize / gridSize);
const int colCount = floor(screenWidth / cellSize);
const int rowCount = floor(screenHeight / cellSize);
int gameInProgress = 1;
int snakeLength = 4;
int snakeMaxLength = colCount * rowCount;
struct Snake snake[snakeMaxLength];
for(int i = 0; i < snakeLength; i++)
snake[i] = SnakeCreate(floor(colCount / 2) - i, floor(rowCount / 2));
struct Apple apple = AppleCreate();
float appleSpawnInterval = 8.0f;
float appleSpawnTimer = 0.0f;
// update
if(gameInProgress) {
int up, down, left, right, dirX, dirY;
float dt = GetFrameTime();
up = IsKeyDown(KEY_UP) ? -1 : 0;
down = IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) ? 1 : 0;
left = IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) ? -1 : 0;
right = IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0;
dirY = up + down;
dirX = left + right;
for(int i = snakeLength; i > 0; i--)
SnakeUpdate(&snake[i], dt, &snake[i - 1]);
snake[snakeLength - 1].direction = snake[snakeLength - 2].direction;
SnakeSetDirection(&snake[0], dirX, dirY);
SnakeUpdate(&snake[0], dt, NULL);
SnakeScreenWrap(&snake[0], colCount, rowCount);
if(apple.active && snake[0].x == apple.x && snake[0].y == apple.y)
apple.active = 0;
snake[snakeLength] = snake[snakeLength - 1];
appleSpawnTimer += dt;
if(appleSpawnTimer > appleSpawnInterval)
appleSpawnTimer -= appleSpawnInterval;
Vector2 newPos = getRandomCellCoords(colCount, rowCount);
while(collidesWithSnake(snake, snakeLength, newPos.x, newPos.y)) {
newPos = getRandomCellCoords(colCount, rowCount);
AppleActivateAt(&apple, newPos.x, newPos.y);
AppleUpdate(&apple, dt);
int tailLength = snakeLength - 1;
struct Snake tail[tailLength];
for(int i = 1; i < tailLength; i++)
tail[i] = snake[i];
if(collidesWithSnake(tail, tailLength, snake[0].x, snake[0].y))
gameInProgress = 0;
// draw
for(int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < colCount; c++) {
Color color = ((r + c) % 2) == 0 ? RAYWHITE : WHITE;
DrawRectangle(c * cellSize, r * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize, color);
for(int i = 1; i < snakeLength - 1; i++)
SnakeDraw(&snake[i], cellSize, DARKGREEN);
SnakeDrawHead(&snake[0], cellSize, DARKGREEN);
SnakeDrawTail(&snake[snakeLength - 1], cellSize, DARKGREEN);
AppleDraw(&apple, cellSize, RED);
if(!gameInProgress) {
const char *gameOverText = "GAME OVER";
int fontSize = 40;
int textLength = MeasureText(gameOverText, fontSize);
int posX = floor(screenWidth / 2) - floor(textLength / 2);
int posY = floor(screenHeight / 2);
DrawText(gameOverText, posX, posY, fontSize, BLACK);