In 2024 I started this blog. I was somewhat successful in that I churned out 21 posts in 6 months.

My goal for this year is to hit the 50 mark, and I know what you are thinking. Surely quality is better than quantity? Well yes that is true. But I believe that in order to achieve quality I must first produce in quantity.

It's true, most of the time his quality is quite low. Well at least he's trying...

So what will I be blogging about in 2025?

Well, in course with attempting to write at least 50 blog posts. I will be attempting to build and ship 12 things. A thing could be an app, a website, or a game. The important part is the building and shipping. In 2024 I started and failed many projects. This year I want to have some more perceverence. Completing a project every month is something I feel is both a challenge and achievable. It doesn't have to be world changing, just complete to the extent where I feel done.

So with that in mind, I will try to document my learnings, achievements, and failures. I hope that in doing so I will improve my writing skills. I also want to try adding some video content. Basically I want to be an influencer and advertise random scams to people...

Predictions for 2025?

Max Verstappen will win his fifth world title and sign a deal with Mercedes. The world won't end. My family will expand, and so will my waistline.